The participant could employ this form to upload his/ her presentation and/ or the his/ her paper. If you wish to upload your presentation, will you please upload it as soon as you can.
The conference will feature keynote speakers, invited speakers, panel discussions, paper presentations, and posters. Authors are cordially invited to submit their contributions (keynote speeches, papers, and posters) for review and will be considered for publication in the conference proceedings. The proceedings are the written record of this international conference; and they allow participants as well as those who could not attend to get an overview of the meeting, read individual articles of particular interest and contact authors for further information, if required. They provide a wider recognition and visibility for authors.
The conference proceedings will be published by the International Centre for Innovation in Education (ICIE) and a free copy will be sent to each participant. In addition, a number of selected papers will be published in the International Journal for Talent Development and Creativity (IJTDC). For more details about this journal CLICK HERE.
Your submission must be in English and original. It cannot have been published elsewhere, nor can it be under concurrent review for publication by another conference or journal. Your submission must be in both the pdf file format and the word file format, and be no longer than 25 pages including references, appendices, and figures.
The final deadline for all papers is six months after the conference. Papers which are to appear in the published proceedings must be received by this date.
In addition, the organizing committee would like to have the Power Point presentations. The PPT files will be included in the CD of the conference.
We look forward to working with you on the preparation of these proceedings and journal.
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